Totally free in-game voice chat for Minecraft with 3D surround sound. Play together like never before
This addon displays the health of all players that are nearby.
Allows you to activate a highly customizable outline and overlay to the block you’re currently looking at.
Find your friends quickly and easily among hundreds of other Minecraft players thanks to their own nicknames!
Enables you to view your skin from every angle in the third-person perspective without moving your head. Our re-imagined alternative to freelook or 360-mod!
Control your music directly in LabyMod and share your current song to fellow Spotify addon users!
Enables you to keep sneaking/sprinting without having to hold the button down. This addon also implements ToggleSprint.
See OptiFine Capes, use HD texture packs with connected textures, enhance your gaming experience with a performance boost, and top it off with shaders!
Boost your FPS and increase your game's smoothness by using our LabyMod-optimized performance addon Flux!
Lets you display your keyboard individually as a HUD widget.
Fully customize the look of your crosshair ingame and share your design with your friends!
All items and blocks have a completely new animation while falling and have physics as drops!
Give your Minecraft a fresh new-look by installing resource packs from one of the biggest texture library in the world within seconds!
Connects Minecraft with TeamSpeak 3 and displays all clients in your current channel.
the backend for all addons that add resourcepack browsing
Modrinth ResourcePacks
Load Fabric mods into LabyMod.
Minimap shows you a small map with an overview of the surrounded world.
Allows you to set waypoints in the world. Compatible with Laby's Minimap.
Removes the fog under water
Load Forge mods into LabyMod.
Mod Compat for external mods.
Customize the fog color, density, and distance
Loads external mods into labymod
This 1.8.9 forge mod - made for Hypixel Skyblock - has over 20 features that will enhance your skyblock experience.
Experience the EURO CUP 2024 in Minecraft on our partner servers! Watch the game live on the big screen with a score counter and fireworks for every goal. Stay updated with real-time game details via new widgets.
Adjust the colors of your game
LabyMod addon to view item nbt data in minecraft. Enable Advanced Tooltips (F3+H), hover over an item and press SHIFT. Magic starts...
MediaAddon is a LabyMod addon that can play sound to the player!
Auto-Leave after round end. Currently only supports (English and German)
This addon gives you information about the adventurer and of the prices. You can mark the items with their prices.
Disable the camera shake when you get hurt.
This addon changes the new directional damage tilt from 1.19.4+ back to the old sidewards tilting. server Support Server Support
Sends selected phrases at the beginning and end of a game
Make yourself more likeable by automatically writing a GG in the chat after each round.
Dieser Test zeigt, dass das Erstellen neuer Addons auf FlintMC nicht funktioniert
A LabyMod 4 Addon that prevents the client from crashing by limiting particle effects in certain cases.
Displays a Tag above approved LabyUnity scammers
This addon allows you to set Way-Tags, which can be seen on the whole map
This addon allows you to create WayTags that are visible across the entire map.
Sende ausgewählte Phrasen zu Beginn und am Ende einer Runde
Quality of life features for King of the Ladder
This addon display the Unikpay balance and allows you to easily accept Unikpay transactions.
Never tab out of your full screen again! StreamChat+ shows you your Twitch chat in Minecraft.
An addon with tools that improve your gaming experience on
With this addon you can copy the NBT data from any item. Command: /nbtcopy
This will prevent you from choking commands by typing "7" instead of a slash as command trigger. It is the old and well-known addon "AntiCommandChoker" by t0mse from v3 only now written for v4.
Set your LabyMod status so that others can see it.
This addon is a LabyMod addon written for the Minecraft server New Roleplay and provides specialized, nice-to-have features and utilities for everyday gameplay.
This addon currently displays the BedWars spawn times of the items.
Display your coins and gold from
This addon introduces the capability to assign tags to players, displayed either below or above their name.
Listen to your favorite web radios in Labymod with many setting options
This Addon displays your Discord Rich Presence Status ingame via a Nametag under your Name
Adds support for the Minecraft network to LabyMod
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